Gramercy Park Officially Opens with Community Celebration

OnGramercy-Park-Ribbon-Cutting Saturday, August 15, District 7 Commissioner Priscilla Taylor and Palm Beach County officials joined with Gramercy Park residents to celebrate the grand opening of Gramercy Park with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, community get-together, and barbecue. A local DJ entertained the residents while the children hopped to the beats in a bounce house and enjoyed their new playground. Former District 7 Commissioner Addie Greene, the visionary of the park, was in attendance and the Sheriff’s Police Athletic League gave tennis demonstrations to dozens of excited children and adults.

“Providing for youth enrichment, trails, and open space are essential services of our Parks and Recreation Department,” said Commissioner Taylor. “Gramercy Park will have a positive impact on children and adults of all ages in this community.”

GramercyGramercy-Park-Junior-Tennis Park is the county’s newest neighborhood park and is located at 5615 Parke Avenue in West Palm Beach. The 1.89-acre park includes three junior tennis courts, two age-appropriate children’s play areas featuring a slide, climbing structures, and an ADA-accessible Omnispinner designed for collaborative play. The park also includes a .12-mile walking trail, an open grass play field, benches, and a bicycle rack. Future plans include a community center building.

Gramercy Park was developed by the Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation Department in partnership with the Office of Community Revitalization, and the Gramercy Park community, as part of the Countywide Community Revitalization Team (CCRT) in response to the surrounding community’s request for a safer place for youth to play.

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